Franchisor Focus: The Franchise Development Process Must Be an Unbroken Chain

A successful franchise development process can be compared to a chain that consists of links that hold a sprocket or wheel together while they run. If one link in the chain is broken it can stop them from running like the franchise development process being interrupted.

Franchisor Focus: The Franchise Development Process Must Be an Unbroken Chain
By Ed Teixeira

When it comes to growing a franchise network, there are fundamental steps that every franchisor should have in place if they expect to grow their system with qualified franchisees.

Successful lead generation and an effective franchise development team are only part of the requirements needed to achieve system growth, along with components needed to attain positive franchise system growth. These other elements in the franchise development process in combination with lead generation and an effective franchise development team can be compared to links in a chain.

A successful franchise development process can be compared to a chain that consists of links that hold a sprocket or wheel together while they run. If one link in the chain is broken it can stop them from running like the franchise development process being interrupted.

(Click to enlarge diagram)

Franchise development chain diagram
The links in the franchise development chain:

1. Profitable franchisees. If franchisees aren’t profitable, it will be difficult for prospective franchisees to obtain positive validation. Even if the franchisor can have positive franchise growth unless the majority of franchisees are profitable it will only be a matter of time before the franchise prospect realizes the situation.

2. Positive franchisee satisfaction. The franchisor must must be aware of its franchisee satisfaction levels. Using their satisfaction surveys and obtaining personal feedback its essential that franchisors know how satisfied their franchisees are with their franchise. If there is negative feedback regarding franchisor support or other issues, they should be corrected ASAP.

3. Effective franchise development team. Whether the franchisor has in-house franchise development staff, uses brokers or employs a combination of both the development team must be experienced and effective. This requires that the results of the franchise development team are competent and achieve results.

4. Positive system growth. The franchisor should be achieving either positive franchise system growth or at least is not losing franchisees except in the case of a startup franchise. Prospective franchisees can be concerned when a franchisor has negative franchise growth or no growth at all.

5. Productive lead generation. It’s necessary that the franchisor is generating sufficient franchise leads for the franchisor team to work. Depending upon the franchise It can take 100 to 200 franchise leads to complete a franchise transaction. Without enough franchise inquiries or leads it can be difficult to recruit qualified franchise candidates.

6. Adhere to franchise qualification standards. Every franchise prospect should be properly qualified and able to meet the standards of the franchisee profile. Without adhering to the proper standards for qualifying its franchise leads there is a risk of granting a franchise to a poorly qualified individual.

7. Maintain Franchisee Engagement. When a qualified franchise candidate is found it is important that the franchisor representative maintain close contact with the candidate and respond to their concerns and questions. When engagement is not maintained the franchise candidate can lose interest in the franchise opportunity.

The franchise development process is akin to links in a chain if one link is broken the chain stops working. When franchisors follow the proper franchise development process it can lead to successful franchise system growth however, when one step in the process is not followed it can result in a lack of franchise growth.

About the Author:
Ed Teixeira is a recognized franchise expert with over 35 years experience in the franchise industry. He has served as a corporate executive for franchise firms in the retail, manufacturing, healthcare and technology industries and was a franchisee of a multi-million dollar home healthcare franchise. Ed is the author of Franchising From the Inside Out and The Franchise Buyers Manual. He has participated in the CEO Magazine Roundtable Meetings with business leaders from around the country and spoke at a number of venues including the International Franchise Expo and the Chinese Franchise Association in Shanghai, China. Over the course of his career, Ed has been involved with over 1,000 franchise locations and launched franchise concepts from existing business models. Ed can be contacted at 631-246-5782 or [email protected].


His desire to lift his community up merged with That 1 Painter’s vision for giving: “My goal is to create jobs for the people around me, so when I read the statement Steven gave about Paint It Forward, I liked the idea of giving back to the community in that way.”

That 1 Painter Signs Franchisees in Houston, San Antonio & Las Vegas
By That 1 Painter

That 1 Painter has officially signed three more franchisees, bringing its total to five signed franchisees in their first four months of launching, paving the way for upcoming locations in Houston, San Antonio, and Las Vegas.

These franchisees aren’t shying away from big goals. Motivated by the challenge of growing with a new enterprise, they’re looking forward to seeing That 1 Painter’s proven systems play out in their hometowns to offer jobs to their communities and offer resources to those in need.

That 1 Painter Signs Three More Franchisees
At That 1 Painter, we work hard to build a culture in which everyone thrives because everyone lends a helping hand.

We Show You How To Build Your Team to Build Your Business
For Houston’s Donald Nguyen, knowing this local business thrives in a competitive market is what pulled him to T1P: “I looked at a few of the competitors and liked that That 1 Painter is local. Because That 1 Painter is a new franchise company, the market is more open – compared to the older ones. Also, I like challenges and that’s another reason I want to go with a new one!”

His desire to lift his community up merged with That 1 Painter’s vision for giving: “My goal is to create jobs for the people around me, so when I read the statement Steven gave about Paint It Forward, I liked the idea of giving back to the community in that way.”

Vegas’ own Jose Mendoza sees similarity of vision between he and T1P’s founder “I was looking for a business that was fairly new for opportunities to grow. Steven seems very hands on and shares the same goal to expand.” and knows he’s the best guy to serve his hometown community: “I have been in Vegas for over 30 years and have seen it grow. I enjoy working with people and have extensive customer service skills.”

Josh Montana brings his love of people to San Antonio, “That 1 Painter offers services that help a homeowner make their vision a reality. Our work has a positive ripple effect that starts with the customer and permeates into their neighborhood. The joy achieved by renewing our living space creates a chain reaction of positivity in our neighborhood and personal life.”

That 1 Painter’s dedication to fantastic service is a huge part of what draws people to sign on for a franchise. Evidenced by a multitude of stellar reviews and their doubling revenue during the pandemic, this company has proven their systems work and that they know how to teach them. With an extensive training program that involves personal coaching, a remarkable Brand Team, and seamless scheduling systems, franchisees have enough support to hit the ground running before their business even launches.

That 1 Painter is offering a $10,000 discount off of the regular price of $39,000 to the first ten franchises they sign. That means there are only 5 spots left! Visit to learn more, and if you’re interested in taking advantage of this limited time special, contact Gary Occhiogrosso at FRANCHISE GROWTH SOLUTIONS [email protected] today.

About That 1 PainterBorn out of a passion and purpose to help people, That 1 Painter has grown since its founding in 2011 to offer over 18 painting services to the communities of Austin, San Marcos, Tyler, Longview, Frisco, and Plano with other locations already in the works. T1P uses its resources and talents to offer free painting to those in need, through their Paint It Forward program and extends it’s missional outreach to refugees in Africa. The very core of this business is to spread love and generosity throughout the world and to bless their customers with outstanding service while achieving their mission
Franchise Your Business and Expand Your Brand Learn more here:

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Five Skills for Successfully Turning Ideas Into Reality

5 skills for successfully turning ideas into reality

(BPT) – People across the world have tackled immense challenges since the start of the global COVID-19 pandemic, from social isolation to financial burdens, in a distanced and digitally enabled world. As a result, many important projects were put on hold. But at the same time, many people took the opportunity to make bigger and better plans — and are ready to make these dreams a reality.

In a recent global survey conducted by Project Management Institute (PMI), nearly four in five consumers (79%) said they consider 2021 to be a “do-over,” and an even greater number, 86%, plan to work harder this year to bring their ideas to life.

“The pandemic disrupted countless 2020 plans, but many leaders and innovative thinkers used the time wisely to map out their next moves,” says Mike DePrisco, chief operating officer for PMI. “As more communities and organizations across the globe cautiously turn to recovery and revival, teams are increasingly focused on turning their stalled projects into reality.”

But turning ideas into reality doesn’t come easy. Whether you’re looking to level up in your career, kick-start a new project or create a completely new business, PMI outlines the power skills you need to continue advancing:

1. Communication

Effective communication maximizes success and minimizes risk. It involves not only conducting outward-bound communication, but also listening, taking feedback, understanding nonverbal cues, and interpreting what is meant versus what is said. In a team setting, communication helps team members stay on the same page as they work toward success.

2. Empathy

Empathy allows team members to build greater trust and connections — with each other and with other stakeholders — by helping them understand the wide range of people and work styles they encounter. Empathy also strengthens teams by helping team members feel appreciated and heard.

3. Collaborative leadership

A collaborative leadership style is more effective in inspiring and bringing team members together in pursuit of a shared vision and common goals. Collaborative leaders recognize that each member of the team has something to contribute — in executing a plan and in helping shape objectives.

4. Innovative mindset

An innovative mindset ensures teams are applying new ideas and fresh perspectives to how they organize work and address the myriad obstacles that emerge when turning ideas into reality. An innovative mindset also allows teams to remain agile and pivot more quickly in the face of challenges.

5. Purpose-driven goals

Having a for-purpose orientation helps minimize risks and ensures the organization’s values and commitment to social good are infused in all aspects of project design and implementation. Clear goals also empower changemakers to use their skills to bring about positive social change within teams, companies and communities.

To learn more about these skills and effective project management, visit, a virtual hub of inspiration with the tools you need to get started on your next big, bold idea. Find support and inspiration from changemakers across the globe turning their ideas into reality; determine your changemaker persona; and view PMI courses that help you take your project or idea and Make Reality, such as KICKOFF, a free, 45-minute digital course and toolkit that guides learners through the basics of project management with bite-sized content and downloadable templates they can quickly implement on the job.

Learn more about turning your idea into a nationwide franchise click here:


Flawed Strategic Thinking That Drives Serious Franchise Leads to Disqualify You

By Paul Keiser
I Show Franchise Business Developers and Brokers How to Automatically Find Serious Leads

The leading reason we’ve found causing serious leads to disqualify brands and brokers from consideration is a lack of strategic thought, time and attention given to 21st Century aspects of franchise business development. As an industry, franchise business development methods are mired in tactics over 25-years old. It takes serious reflection and change to adapt to emerging 21st Century franchise buyer behavior and their very different expectations.

Here are five inter-related company cultural and strategic issues that, if ignored, cause serious leads to disqualify you from consideration.

Recognize Franchise Business Development is a Business within a Business
As they begin to scale, franchisors and brokers often struggle with business development. That’s because the knowledge and experience to do it well aren’t part of the operations or customer excellence skill sets of many owners and investors.

Franchise business development is actually a business within the larger franchise business with different needs. Recognizing this, and then properly staffing, funding and executing around a set of realistic goals can put you on a sustainable pathway to success.

Unfortunately, too many try to fix a faltering franchise business development program with band-aids; neglecting the thought needed to find the root causes of problems, not just surface symptoms.

Why…because it’s easy. Tactical solutions make everyone feel good. In fact, re-imagining a 21st Century version of franchise business development requires digging deeper.

To meet the challenge, three strategic areas critical to franchise business development must harmonize:

Finding and Nurturing Serious Leads
Intelligent Pipeline Management
Think of each of these areas as a leg of a stool. If the legs aren’t aligned, then the stool teeters and totters making it useless.

Do nothing and watch as serious leads disqualify you.

Inertia Kills Brands and Brokers
Many brands and brokers become paralyzed by the breadth and depth of change needed to adapt to the changing macro environment of franchise business development. The smaller the brand or broker the more daunting the challenges.

Smaller brands and brokers aren’t often blessed with tens of thousands of dollars laying around to “experiment” or try something new; so, fear stifles decision-making.

But time kills deals. Time also kills brands and brokers unwilling to adapt. It’s time to step up and either hire or develop the skills to upgrade franchise business development methodologies. The market isn’t waiting. Brands and brokers that grab an early mover advantage will prosper; while laggards will fall by the wayside.

Do nothing and watch serious leads disqualify you

Lack of Expertise
The skill sets needed to address both franchise business development technology and people’s evolving behavior doesn’t necessarily reside in most franchisors and brokers, who are often solo practitioners. Many franchisors have consumer marketing pros or agencies supporting franchisees. However, these same highly-talented people are inexperienced in the “black arts” of franchise business development and the psychological journey a serious lead embarks on in the Internet Age. You hired them to drive traffic into your stores and restaurants; not recruit franchisees. And likely they do a very good job for you.

Giving franchise business development insufficient support or forcing business developers to work with meager lead generation budgets or whatever software is around or cheap is commonplace. That’s a lazy approach and speaks to a lack of understanding of how to successfully grow a franchise business development powerhouse.

Ownership and leadership need to step up and either acquire or outsource the knowledge needed to reliably scale the business.

Do nothing and watch serious leads disqualify you.

The Internet Upends Traditional Notions of Franchisee Recruitment
Every generation from 1995 forward has been reshaped by the Internet. Consumers complete almost 75% of brand research for high-end goods and services on the web before making a call or a visit. They expect transparency. Your storytelling needs to meet a higher standard of excellence or these serious leads will just move on. So, ask yourself, do you tease or hide information or do you educate on your franchise business development website?

Text messaging has rapidly changed the franchise business development communication landscape. Today’s serious leads comfortably text back and forth with your business developer before engaging. What does that do to old-fashioned “dialing for dollars” models? Which leads are more engaged and serious?

Your franchise website is now expected to tell your whole story. It’s not just a brochure anymore or a landing page to get a form filled out. You’re forced to dig deeper to articulate your competitive differentiation. A test: if you can put your name on a competitor’s website, then something’s wrong with your story.

All brands are coming to grips with ever rising lead generation costs. Can we harness the vast potential of social media and online advertising to create affordable serious leads prospect? Can these newer channels become a game changer or are they just one more money drain? How do these leads convert into your pipeline compared to other channels?

Do nothing and watch serious leads disqualify you.

Leads Now Have the Power

Leads now control the research process. In fact, 75% of their research is already done before first contact. Serious leads expect complete and transparent information about brands. So, a solid story and a dedicated franchise business development online presence are now table stakes with serious leads. These serious leads engage when they’re ready; not before. So encourage them to do that by delivering a brand education experience that gets them emotionally and rationally invested in your franchise opportunity.

Do nothing and watch serious leads disqualify you.

Franchise Pipeline Solutions (FPS) helps new and emerging franchise brands find their most serious leads using an integrated pipeline management system. It combines enterprise-class CRM with multi-channel Marketing Automation, 1:1 and bulk text messaging, behavioral scoring and auto call scheduling. Our proven approach has been in worldwide use for over eight years.


About the Author:
Paul Keiser has over 40 years of experience franchise development, social media and online lead generation, email nurture, marketing automation and brand storytelling. Today he makes his living giving precious time back to franchise brand business developers and franchise brokers by helping them find serious leads so they focus on more of the right people and do more deals.


Darden’s most recent reporting period was their fourth quarter, ending at the end of May. Their two largest chains are Olive Garden and Longhorn Steakhouse. Important, but less material, are Cheddar’s Scratch Kitchen, Yard House, The Capital Grille, Season’s 52, Bahama Breeze and Eddie V’s.


roger lipton
BY Roger Lipton

Gene Lee, and his management team at Darden (DRI), provide about the most candid description of current fundamentals among the publicly held full service casual dining companies. Not only are their reported results about the best in the industry, but they describe, on their quarterly conference call, how and why. Our summary below is of “best practices”, as produced by Darden, and the outlook as presented within their conference call on June 24th.

Darden’s most recent reporting period was their fourth quarter, ending at the end of May. Their two largest chains are Olive Garden and Longhorn Steakhouse. Important, but less material, are Cheddar’s Scratch Kitchen, Yard House, The Capital Grille, Season’s 52, Bahama Breeze and Eddie V’s.


Gene Lee, CEO, commented that they have begun to see demand come back strongly. They are relying on Technomic for industry data, which quantifies the casual dining industry at $189B in 2020, down from $222B in 2019. Though the industry has shrunk by 10% in units during the pandemic, Darden believes the industry will at least regain the 2019 level, implying that AUVs could be higher than before. Not mentioned was “price”, but that would obviously contribute to higher nominal sales.

Lee considers that the Darden business model has improved over the last year. “We’ve invested in food quality and portion size….made investments in our team members to ensure our employment proposition…..and we invest in technology, particularly within our to-go capabilities, to meet our guests growing need for …the off premise experience.”


Ricardo Cardenas, President and COO, described the operational simplification effort, which has improved execution and strengthened margins. Even as dining rooms have reopened, off-premise sales have remained strong, proving to be “stickier” than expected. During Q4 off-premise was 33% of sales at Olive Garden, 16% at Cheddar’s and 19% at Longhorn. Technology within online ordering has improved to-go capacity management and curbside delivery. During the quarter 64% of Olive Garden’s to-go orders were placed online and 14% of Darden’s total sales were digital transactions. Nearly half of all guest checks were settled digitally, either online or on tabletop tablets or via mobile pay. Cardenas described the effort to recruit and retain operational talent, claiming no systemic issues. Supply chain issues have also been largely avoided.


Rajesh Vennam, CFO, described how SSS compared to pre-Covid (2019), improved from negative 4.1% in March to positive 2.4% in May and positive 2.5% in the first three weeks of June. Though to-go sales have seen a gradual decline, this has been more than offset by in-store dining. In the fourth quarter, CGS was 90bp higher (investments in food quality and pricing below inflation), labor was 190bp lower (320 bp of simplification efforts, partially offset by wage pressures). Marketing was 200 bp lower. Restaurant EBITDA margin was at a record EBITDA of 22.6%, 310bp higher than pre-Covid. CGS inflation is expected to be about 2.5% and hourly labor inflation at about 6%.


Gene Lee talked further about the “employment proposition”. The store level margin allows for adequate wages, along with promotion of a thousand team members per year into management. When questioned about store level margin expectation, CFO Vennam indicated that store level EBITDA in the short term is expected to be 200-250 bp better than in 2019, with pricing of 1-2%, lower than CPI inflation of about 3%, but full year margin (ending 5/22) has yet to play out. Commodity inflation of 2.5% for the year will be 3.5-4.0% in the first half, expected to tail off to roughly flat by Q4. Chicken and seafood are elevated, also cooking oil and packaging, a little bit in dairy.

Lee feels that the throughput improvements, including menu simplification, allow for more sales capacity from this level. Mother’s Day sales were a record and mid-week capacity is not fully utilized. Consumer behavior is not yet normalized, so the mix between dine-in and off-premise is still uncertain.

When questioned about the sales improvement “flattening” in May and June, CFO Vennam pointed out that promotional levels are not as heavy now as in ’19, obviously helping the operating margins even with sales just modestly higher. Gene Lee commented later that the current advertising is generic, removing all incentives and discounts, with record operating margins, so marketing decisions going forward will obviously be carefully considered. Later in the call, Gene Lee talked about the Fine Dining segment also improving (a little later than Olive Garden and Longhorn) from down 12 in March to down 6 in May.

COO Cardenas described how technology is reducing “friction” in the guest experience, as well as for team members, making ordering and pickup easier. To further improve the process within the restaurant, a revamp of the point of sales system is planned.

Gene Lee talked about the potential to improve direct marketing to new digital customers, especially with the newly acquired ordering preferences. Lee emphasized the effort to improve the craveability of the menu, at the same time simplifying and improving the core items.

Relative to the addition of additional brands, Lee expressed great satisfaction with the improved returns within the existing portfolio. While not ruling anything out, he seemed to feel that there is substantial opportunity to profitably invest internally.


When pushed about why the sales recovery within Darden is not as fast as elsewhere, Gene Lee’s response was telling. “Because we’re not participating giving away food to third-party channels…not discounting heavily….not discounting cash through selling gift cards….we put up 25% fourth quarter restaurant margins….that’s what we’re focused on. A lot has changed…..virtual brands….guys, you got to get off this……this (Darden’s portfolio of brands) is the best business in casual dining, not even by a little bit anymore…..our guests are loving the experience ….they love the changes that we made….but we’re not chasing an index and we’re not chasing where we were in the past. We love our position today.”

Lastly, when questioned about what the new normal will look like, Gene Lee summarized by saying: “I think we’ve still got another six to nine months to understand (if we don’t have any more problems with Covid) what are going to be the normal behaviors….and then you start developing your market plans and you get tactical on how to get these folks into your restaurant or use you as an off-premise occasion.”

ROGER LIPTON is an investment professional with over 4 decades of experience specializing in chain restaurants and retailers, as well as macro-economic and monetary developments. After earning a BSME from R.P.I. and MBA from Harvard, and working as an auditor with Price, Waterhouse, he began following the restaurant industry as well as the gold mining industry. While he originally followed companies such as Church’s Fried Chicken, Morrison’s Cafeterias and others, over the years he invested in companies such as Panera Bread and shorted companies such as Boston Chicken (as described in Chain Leader Magazine to the left) .

He also invested in gold mining stocks and studied the work of Harry Browne, the world famous author and economist, who predicted the 2000% move in the price of gold in the 1970s. In this regard, Roger has republished the world famous first book of Harry Browne, and offers it free with each subscription to this website.

In the late 1970s, Roger left Wall Street to build and operate a chain of 15 Arthur Treacher’s Fish & Chips stores in Canada. In 1980 he returned to New York, and for the next 13 years worked at Ladenburg, Thalmann & Co., Inc. where he managed the Lipton Research Division, specializing (naturally) in the restaurant industry. While at Ladenburg he sponsored an annual Restaurant Conference for investment professionals, featuring as keynote speakers friends such as Norman Brinker (the “Babe Ruth” of casual dining) , Dave Thomas (Wendy’s) , Jim Collins (Sizzler & KFC), Jim Patterson (Long John Silver’s), Allan Karp (KarpReilly) and Ted Levitt (legendary Harvard Business School marketing professor, and author). Roger formed his own firm, Lipton Financial Services, Inc. in 1993, to invest in restaurant and retail companies, as well as provide investment banking services. Within the restaurant industry he currently serves on the Board(s) of Directors of both publicly held, as well as a private equity backed casual dining chains. He also serves on the Board of a charitable foundation affiliated with Israel’s Technion Institute.

The Bottom Line: Roger Lipton is uniquely equipped as an investor, investment banker, board member and advisor, especially related to the restaurant, franchising, and retail industries. He has advised institutional investors, underwritten public offerings, counseled on merger transactions, served on Board(s) of Directors, public and private, been retained as an expert witness, conducted valuation studies and personally managed a successful investment partnership, all specializing in restaurants/retail. He has studied great success stories over the last 40 years, from McDonalds to Shake Shack. Even more important he has watched scores of companies stumble and sometimes fail. It is this insight that Roger brings to this website. His post, dated 9/30/15, called “VISIT THE GRAVEYARD…..” lists a long list (though only a sample) of companies that have come and gone over the length of Roger’s investment career. This platform is his way of maintaining a dialogue with other professionals in the field, improving his own investment results, and remaining well informed on industry issues.

Franchise, Restaurant, Profit

An Overlooked Franchisor Recruitment Strategy

After having been in the franchise industry for many years, I have not seen enough emerging and mid-sized franchisors emphasize in detail, how it analyzes, identifies, and determines the territory a franchisee will be granted.

An Overlooked Franchisor Recruitment Strategy

Ed Teixeira is Chief Operating Officer of Franchise Grade and was the founder and President of FranchiseKnowHow, L.L.C. a franchise consulting firm.

By Ed Teixeira
VP Franchise Grade, Author, MA Economics, Industry Partner Stony Brook U. and member of Advisory Board Pace U. Lubin School of Business.

To grow a franchise system a franchisor must have qualified franchise leads that can turn into viable franchise candidates. This is a fundamental truism of franchising, whether a franchisor generates their own leads, uses lead gen portals, or receives franchisee prospects from other sources. However, acquiring franchise leads is only a part of the franchise development process. A franchisee prospect needs to be sufficiently impressed with a franchise opportunity before proceeding to the next steps in the process.

To achieve this objective the usual approach employed by franchisors is to cite the market demand for the franchise’s products or services, franchisor training and support and providing a financial performance representation in an Item 19 disclosure. However, these benefits exclude one of the most critical requirements of any business, especially a franchise, the quality of the market territory the franchisee will acquire as part of their franchise investment.

After having been in the franchise industry for many years, I have not seen enough emerging and mid-sized franchisors emphasize in detail, how it analyzes, identifies, and determines the territory a franchisee will be granted. Although this subject is typically covered at the early stages of discussions between the franchisor and a franchisee prospect it has been my experience that the franchisee market does not receive enough focus by some franchisors. While the type of territory whether open, protected, or exclusive is an important factor for a prospective franchisee the market potential is equally important.

1. Franchisors should devote more resources and place more attention on how they identify and define a franchisee market and present this information at the earliest stages of the franchise process. This strategy may require a franchisor to invest additional resources into defining franchisee markets.

2. Avoid utilizing surface metrics to define a market. For example, a home care franchisor may use the number of residents over 65 to define a market, yet will that indicate how many of this market segment can afford to pay for home care services? The same concept relates to children’s services. Two markets with a comparable number of school age children should be analyzed to determine whether family incomes are available to pay for those services.

3. Invest in using a reputable market research firm with credentials to identify an ideal market profile. Franchisors should have a detailed franchisee and market profile. It is not necessary to describe all the details regarding the territory but rather to emphasize the importance that each franchisee has a quality market.

4. A number of franchisee prospects have a pre-determined choice of territory based upon where they live or their gut instinct. There are franchisors that readily accepts the choice, however if the franchise fails due to poor sales this issue will not be raised. Franchisors should not accept a franchise candidates’ preference for a territory unless the decision is based upon careful analysis.

Franchisors should devote the resources and focus upon the importance of a franchises market potential and present the franchisee market as a major feature of the franchise opportunity. This should be introduced at the beginning of the franchise presentation process including brochures and on the franchise website.

About the Author:
Ed Teixeira is currently the VP of Franchise Development for Franchise He’s had the opportunity to spend over 35 years in the franchise industry as a franchise executive and franchisee. Ed has an MA in Economics from Northeastern U. His franchise experience has included the retail, manufacturing, home health care, medical staffing and GPS fleet tracking industries. EWd has done international licensing in Asia, Europe, and South America and was a contributor to Forbes Magazine. He’s been qualified by the International Center for Dispute Resolution as an international franchise expert. Ed is a faculty member of I have Lectured at Stony Brook University Business School on the subject of Franchising. Been interviewed by the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Bloomberg, Franchise Times, Franchise Update, New York Newsday and Long Island Business Review. He wrote and published The Franchise Buyers Manual a comprehensive book for people considering investing in a franchise. In 2004 Ed wrote Franchising From the Inside Out an overview of the franchise industry. He have established numerous franchise concepts for independent business owners and with my affiliates do international franchising. Ed has been designated a franchise industry expert by The Business Broker Press. Am a member of the Advisory Board Pace University Lubin School of Business and Industry Partner Stony Brook University.

Strategy – The Most Successful Franchises Know Their Competitors

Knowing which franchises, are a threat to your franchise growth and development requires diligence and having the proper information. No franchise program is so unique it is impervious to competition.

The Most Successful Franchises Know Their Competitors

Ed Teixeira is Chief Operating Officer of Franchise Grade and was the founder and President of FranchiseKnowHow, L.L.C. a franchise consulting firm.

By Ed Teixeira
VP Franchise Grade, Author, MA Economics, Industry Partner Stony Brook U. and member of Advisory Board Pace U. Lubin School of Business.

A sign of a successful franchise system is knowing your competitor’s franchise offering. When speaking with top performing franchisor executives regarding their success, a common response was how well they knew their competitors. This knowledge was the result of hard work on the part of the franchisor and its franchisees. It means that each competitor is carefully analyzed which identifies their strengths and weaknesses from a competitive standpoint. It requires knowing how the key components of your competitor’s FDD compares to your FDD.

Knowing which franchises, are a threat to your franchise growth and development requires diligence and having the proper information. No franchise program is so unique it is impervious to competition.

The most effective and productive way to know how your franchise compares to competitors is to use data from Franchise Grade. There are two types of competitors that franchisors should know: direct competitors; who represent franchises in their own business segment and indirect competitors; which represent franchises in a related segment. For example, among children’s franchises, children’s fitness and enrichment programs could represent direct and indirect competitors of each other.

The first step towards knowing your competitors is to identify franchises that most closely compare to yours. You can do an analysis of their FDD’s which is time-consuming or use our website to search our index of thousands of franchise systems, all indexed and analyzed to make your research easier.

This product allows you to understand:

* How you compare to top franchise competitors in the key performance areas

* Which areas of your franchise you need to improve on.

* The parts of your franchise program that you will want to emphasize and promote to candidates.

* What areas sets you apart from your competitors such as fees, territory, franchise term, etc.

* If you use a third party like Franchise Grade, for a detailed analysis you will have the advantage of objectivity. This is important to prospective franchisees.

Franchisors compete with other franchisors for the same investment dollars. It is vital that a franchisor is aware of their competitors and how their franchise compares to them. This process is needed to construct a successful franchise marketing strategy. Any franchise expansion strategy should follow the lead of the most successful franchises. Be sure to know your competitors and find the data to help you promote your investment value to stand apart from them.


About the Author
Ed Teixeira is currently the VP of Franchise Development for Franchise I’ve had the opportunity to spend over 35 years in the franchise industry as a franchise executive and franchisee. I have an MA in Economics from Northeastern U. My franchise experience has included the retail, manufacturing, home health care, medical staffing and GPS fleet tracking industries. I’ve done international licensing in Asia, Europe, and South America and was a contributor to Forbes Magazine. I’ve been qualified by the International Center for Dispute Resolution as an international franchise expert. I am a faculty member of I have Lectured at Stony Brook University Business School on the subject of Franchising. Been interviewed by the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Bloomberg, Franchise Times, Franchise Update, New York Newsday and Long Island Business Review. I wrote and published The Franchise Buyers Manual a comprehensive book for people considering investing in a franchise. In 2004 I wrote Franchising From the Inside Out an overview of the franchise industry. I have established numerous franchise concepts for independent business owners and with my affiliates do international franchising. I’ve been designated a franchise industry expert by The Business Broker Press. Am a member of the Advisory Board Pace University Lubin School of Business and Industry Partner Stony Brook University.

Cabin Fever Will Drive a Franchise Explosion

There are available franchise opportunities that can satisfy a wide range of prospective franchisees. From fast food concepts to children’s services there are franchises that require an affordable investment that can meet an increase in customer demand.

Cabin Fever Will Drive a Franchise Explosion

Ed Teixeira is Chief Operating Officer of Franchise Grade and was the founder and President of FranchiseKnowHow, L.L.C. a franchise consulting firm.

By Ed Teixeira. VP Franchise Grade, Author, MA Economics, Industry Partner Stony Brook U.,Advisory Board Pace U. Lubin School

The havoc caused by the Pandemic has given a new meaning to the term cabin fever which is typically attributed to a bad winter. Instead, this recent case of cabin fever has lasted throughout the spring, summer and winter. As the disruption caused by the Pandemic begins to subside with more of us getting vaccinated people are looking to break out from being stuck at home.

Whether its recently overcrowded restaurants, golf courses or a surge in vacation rentals, people want to get out. This movement has started to translate into an increased focus on franchise opportunities. Every credible franchise forecast predicts a very active 2021 for the franchise industry. If there is one thing the franchise model proved during the Pandemic is its resilience to withstand it’s negative impact that caused so many independently owned small and medium businesses to close.

There are available franchise opportunities that can satisfy a wide range of prospective franchisees. From fast food concepts to children’s services there are franchises that require an affordable investment that can meet an increase in customer demand.

Consider the disruption in children’s lives by their not being able to attend school or participate in recreational actives. Parents of school age children will want to make up for these losses by utilizing the various services provided by children’s franchise brands from tutoring to creative arts to recreational programs.

A good resource is, which presents over 2,500 franchise opportunities that prospective franchisees can view at no cost. Visitors can use filters to find the type of franchise they prefer, the amount of investment and compare various franchise opportunities.

Now is the time to shake off that cabin fever and take that next step by finding that franchise opportunity that fulfills your vision and meets your budget.

Currently the VP of Franchise Development for Franchise Ed has over 35 years in the franchise industry as a franchise executive and franchisee. He has an MA in Economics from Northeastern U. Mr.Teixeira franchise experience has included the retail, manufacturing, home health care, medical staffing and GPS fleet tracking industries. Ed has experience with international licensing in Asia, Europe, and South America and was a contributor to Forbes Magazine and is qualified by the International Center for Dispute Resolution as an international franchise expert. He is also a faculty member of and have Lecturer at Stony Brook University Business School on the subject of Franchising. Contact Ed at: [email protected]. Visit his website:

New World, New Business: 5 Ways Small Businesses Are Adapting To COVID

“The unexpected has forced many to reevaluate plans, practices and procedures,” notes Andrea Forstadt on “Yet one of the advantages of being a small business is the ability to more easily lean in to, embrace and adapt to change.

New world, new business: 5 ways small businesses are adapting to COVID

BY Brandpoint with permission.

(BPT) – COVID-19 has irrevocably altered the way that we do business. Some small businesses have floundered, while others have completely reinvented themselves.

In a recent survey by SCORE, just 34% of U.S. small business owners now categorize their companies as profitable, compared to 55% in 2019. As a result, they’re working hard to adapt — reconfiguring their offerings to boost revenues and planning such new strategies.

“The unexpected has forced many to reevaluate plans, practices and procedures,” notes Andrea Forstadt on “Yet one of the advantages of being a small business is the ability to more easily lean in to, embrace and adapt to change. For many, the short-term alternate plans or adjustments are fast becoming the realities of the foreseeable future.”

Here are five trends that have impacted small business this year.

Freelancing has surged. As people rely on contract work to replace lost jobs, the number of freelancers in the U.S. is growing steadily. NPR reports that two million more Americans began freelancing between September of 2019 and September of 2020, boosting the freelance portion of the U.S. workforce to 26%. Studies also show that women lost jobs at a faster rate than men during the past year; and are more likely to pursue full-time freelance careers due to autonomy and flexible schedules.

Cashless commerce is growing. To reduce person-to-person contact, businesses of all kinds are discouraging or completely eliminating cash payment options in favor of card or digital payments. “Ongoing shifts toward e-commerce, digital payments (including contactless), instant payments and cash displacement have all been significantly boosted in the past six months,” confirms an October McKinsey report. In one example, the raw volume of invoices sent on Invoice2go, which saw more than $24 billion in invoicing volume in 2019, has risen from 58 million to 78 million invoices sent per month — a boost of about 30%. As consumers seek efficiency and convenience, Invoice2go also has seen a 50% boost in digital payments via its payment platform — a crucial assist to help small businesses stay competitive.

Demand is up for digital tools. As small businesses lean more on online business functions and/or e-commerce during social isolation, they’re calling for leading-edge tools that can help them navigate the logistics. Women-owned businesses are often primary customers for financial management tools — studies show they’re 43% more likely than male business owners to be concerned that limited access to funds could hurt their businesses. Around 43% of U.S. small businesses plan to expand their businesses through digital and related technology as a response to COVID-19, according to the Verizon Business Survey. In fact, 30% of these businesses have already added ways to deliver products and services digitally. To meet this demand, Invoice2go has recently added “Reviews” and “Profiles” features — prompting a star-based review after each transaction and enabling creation of an auto-generated website to help small businesses get discovered and build credibility. This is especially crucial for solopreneurs (37% of the platform’s users), who can’t always devote valuable time for customer follow-up and encourage the word-of-mouth that generates future business.

Businesses are diversifying. Many small businesses have devised new offerings as previous income streams dwindled. For example, hotels are now offering day-rate rooms for people who need to work remotely, distilleries are producing hand sanitizer in addition to spirits and restaurants are offering better, easier take-out options. “Difficult times often lead to changes in the way the world operates,” says Wade Thomas in Forbes. His advice to business owners is, “Develop products and services that not only solve today’s challenges, but will also thrive in the new, post-difficult-times world.”

Virtual experiences are expanding. Companies have transformed in-person events into digital experiences. From virtual happy hours, to podcast product releases, to YouTube customers videos, everything is going online. “The real opportunity is to somehow provide the experience and connectivity of former live events to a virtual one that actually can sustain itself over time, even after the end of the pandemic,” explains Bernhard Schroeder in Forbes.

Need a suite of effective digital tools that will help you run your small business smoothly and efficiently? Invoice2go offers user-friendly products that can streamline your day-to-day workflow so you can focus on your business. Functions include estimates, expenses, invoices, payments, appointments, ratings and reviews. It’s going above and beyond for passionate small business owners and freelancers looking to improve and streamline processes in the new year. Learn more at


When I was vetting my smoothie business, my dad said, “who is going to buy frozen drinks in the winter in New York? The funny thing is, consistently, we sold more in the winter than we did in the summer.


🔑Education 🔑 insight 🔑 inspiration – I help people escape the corporate rat race and control their own destiny through business ownership. 516-322-1435

Thinking that talking to a franchise company is like a timeshare presentation.

If you invest in a franchise, you are buying a business, but they are not selling one. Speaking with the franchisor and performing due diligence is like dating. If you hope to be sold something, you’ll be disappointed, or you’ll waste some time, and your right franchise will break up with you because of your awkward or bad behavior.

Top franchise systems view the vetting procedure as a mutual dating exercise. Both parties judge each other before formalizing a long-term relationship. The dating rules are pretty much as they’ve always been:

Care to learn about each other while respecting each other’s boundaries and timelines.
Ask many questions and observe behaviors to learn each other’s values and identify potential opportunities and deal breakers.
At any time, you or the franchisor can decide that another date isn’t the best idea. If one of you says “No”, there are no hard feelings. After all, it takes both to make the relationship great.
As in dating, the courtship could end with a final “No”, or if at the altar one of you says, “I still want to think about it.” If you still have to think about it while one of you is at the altar, then it means something’s wildly amiss.
However, as in dating, the courtship could also result in a wonderful partnership that creates for you a comfortable, prosperous, and peaceful future.
Lastly, one doesn’t marry while planning for divorce.
Consensual validation or third party opinions

Family, friends, lawyers, accountants, financial planners, a friend in the industry, someone you respect because they built a business. Why would a friend and/or someone you know who hasn’t performed any due diligence tell you that the business you’re considering is a good idea? Deep inside, they know there are too many variables to predict whether you’ll be successful or not. For the most part, people will share all the negatives about a business or an industry, and in the back of their minds, they feel that they gave you “safe, solid advice.” Besides, if you change nothing and instead do what you’ve always done, no one loses… right?

When I was vetting my smoothie business, my dad said, “who is going to buy frozen drinks in the winter in New York? The funny thing is, consistently, we sold more in the winter than we did in the summer. That is because in the winter we had less competition in an indoor venue. We had to compete with ice cream, lemonade, beer, and other summer treats during the warm months.

You are doing the research. I suggest forming friendly relationships with the people you talk with at the franchise company. If you buy, they will be the ones helping you be successful. A great franchise company will never try to sell you a franchise. That is against the philosophy of the best franchisors.
About Tom Scarda:Tom is now a nationally recognized small business and Certified Franchise Expert (CFE), motivator and dynamic speaker. Tom has authored three books: Franchise Savvy, The Road to Franchise Freedom and The Magic of Choosing Uncertainty: How to Manage Change, Embrace Fear and Live a Fulfilled Life.

30 years ago, searching for his inner drive, Tom left college and submerged himself in the motorcycle underworld in lower Manhattan. This made his mother worry. It was the first time Tom chose uncertainty over the status quo.

After four years of life in the outlaw motorcycle subculture in NYC, Tom got a haircut, took a shower and landed a respectable job in the New York Subway system. After more than 13 years in the subway Tom became frustrated with the bureaucracy and politics. So he quit his job and left his pension behind to pursue his dreams of business ownership. This also made his mother worry.

In 2000, he purchased a smoothie franchise, which he built into three units and sold five years later for a considerable profit. He was the #1 franchisee of the year in Maui Wowi Smoothies in 2002. He purchased a second franchise in 2006 called Super Suppers and failed miserably in that franchise concept. The lessons he learned from failure is what makes him such an expert. Tom has owned and operated both franchised and non-franchised businesses and has years of knowledge and wisdom to share with you.