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In entrepreneurship, it is persistence, not brilliance, that ultimately separates those who succeed from those who fail. As research shows, those willing to embrace the climb, the training ground, and the often painful process of building a business are the ones who will ultimately enjoy the view from the top.



By FMM Contributor

Building a business is often romanticized, with public admiration focused on the shiny exterior—the success, accolades, and financial rewards. However, few understand the persistence and grit it takes to reach those heights. As comedian Jimmy Carr noted, “Everyone is jealous of what you got, but no one is jealous of how you got it.” This encapsulates a critical truth about entrepreneurship: the struggle is often hidden while the rewards are apparent.


The Myth of Overnight Success

In today’s world, where stories of “overnight success” are often told in headlines, it’s easy to overlook the years of perseverance behind those accomplishments. Social media has intensified this phenomenon, showing only the highlight reels of people’s lives. But real business success comes from a much grittier, often unseen process.


One of the most overlooked aspects of entrepreneurship is the arduous journey. “Everyone wants the view, but no one wants the climb,” another apt metaphor, illustrates the reality that while people desire the success of entrepreneurs, few are willing to go through the struggles required to attain it. Entrepreneurs face countless challenges, from securing funding, managing cash flow, and navigating the complexities of competition to understanding market demands and working people. Each of these is part of the long, steep climb that eventually leads to success.


A Harvard Business Review study found that persistence is not just a personality trait but a critical business success factor. Successful entrepreneurs face rejection, financial difficulties, and operational crises but persist through it all because they are committed to their vision. Research shows that those who fail and try again are more likely to succeed than those who succeed on their first try. This iterative process, sometimes called “failing forward,” is the essence of business development.


Grit and the Training Ground

Many see the accolades that come with business success—the awards, the wealth, the recognition—but they don’t see the sacrifices. “People see the trophies but not the training ground” is an apt analogy for the unseen hard work of building a sustainable business. Angela Duckworth’s research on grit supports this, highlighting that successful individuals often combine passion and perseverance over long periods of time to achieve their goals. In business, it’s not about the one-time effort but about staying the course, especially during tough times.


Successful entrepreneurs don’t just stumble upon success; they actively train for it, honing their skills, learning from failures, and constantly adjusting their strategies. The long nights, the missed family events, and the personal sacrifices form the foundation for business success. It is this training ground, full of trials and tribulations, that prepares entrepreneurs for the rewards they eventually reap.


Building a Mindset of Persistence

Developing persistence takes work. It requires a clear vision, deep self-motivation, and the ability to face constant setbacks without losing hope. A study published by the Academy of Management Journal noted that psychological resilience—the ability to recover quickly from adversity—is a common trait among successful entrepreneurs. Resilience and persistence allow them to endure the ups and downs of the entrepreneurial journey.


Entrepreneurs must adopt a long-term mindset, understanding that success rarely comes quickly. The key to persistence is the belief that short-term losses and failures are stepping stones toward long-term success. Recognizing incremental progress’s value helps keep motivation alive, even when the going gets tough.



Persistence is the hidden fuel behind every successful business. As the quotes suggest, people admire the results of success but are often unaware of the journey required to get there. The jealousy of “what you got” ignores “how you got it,” this disconnection is precisely why persistence is crucial. Business builders must climb steep mountains, train in isolation, and endure countless setbacks while maintaining faith in their vision.

In entrepreneurship, it is persistence, not brilliance, that ultimately separates those who succeed from those who fail. As research shows, those willing to embrace the climb, the training ground, and the often painful process of building a business are the ones who will ultimately enjoy the view from the top.



  • Duckworth, A. (2016). Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance. Scribner.
  • Harvard Business Review. (2013). “The Hard Truth About Business Failure.”
  • Academy of Management Journal (2017). “Resilience and Persistence: The Psychology of Entrepreneurial Success.”






This post was researched, outlined and edited with the support of AI

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