With its dynamic nature, video content is a pivotal tool in the arsenal of growing franchise brands. In a world where attention spans are dwindling, and the digital space is cluttered with information, video cuts through the noise for franchise brands.

Why Video Content Is Paramount for a Growing Franchise Brand
By Gary Occhiogrosso – Managing Partner, Franchise Growth Solutions, LLC.

The power of video content cannot be understated. If you’re steering a growing franchise brand, integrating video into your marketing strategy is not just recommended; it’s imperative. With franchises striving for uniformity in branding, messaging, and consumer experience across multiple locations, video offers a medium that speaks universally. But why, you ask, is video content so crucial for a budding franchise brand?

1. Engages Multiple Senses:
At its core, video is a dynamic medium that engages visual and auditory senses, making it easier for potential customers to remember your franchise brand. Studies have shown that people retain 10% of a when reading text compared to 95% of a message after watching a video. By engaging more senses, video deepens the emotional connection, making the message more impactful.

2. Enhances Brand Consistency:
For franchises, maintaining brand consistency across various locations and platforms is essential. Video content can effectively broadcast a standardized message, ensuring all franchises deliver the same value proposition, brand personality, and ethos.

3. Increases Online Visibility:
Google loves video content. Including video on your website can increase your chance of a front-page Google result by 53 times. Franchises aiming for a more substantial online presence benefit immensely from well-optimized video content. Additionally, platforms like YouTube, the second-largest search engine globally, offer a vast potential audience for franchise brands.

4. Facilitates Storytelling:
Every franchise has a story. Video offers the perfect medium to share this narrative, encapsulating the brand’s journey, values, and vision. This not only cultivates trust but also gives the franchise a relatable identity.

5. Boosts Social Media Engagement:
In the realm of social media, video content reigns supreme. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok prioritize video content, leading to higher engagement rates. A franchise that leverages video can quickly expand its digital footprint, creating brand ambassadors out of everyday social media users.

6. Drives Decision-making:
Customers are more likely to visit a restaurant, use a retail establishment, or purchase online after watching a video. For franchises, this means videos can significantly influence potential franchisees and customers’ decision-making processes.

7. Aids in Training and Onboarding:
Apart from marketing, video content is invaluable for training new franchisees. Interactive and engaging training videos ensure franchisees understand operational procedures, reducing inconsistencies in service delivery.

But the story doesn’t end here. Leveraging the potency of video content requires optimization. As we delve deeper into the age of digital marketing, it’s essential to keep relevant Google keywords in mind to enhance discoverability. Incorporate terms like “franchise opportunities,” “business growth,” “video marketing,” “brand consistency,” and “online visibility” to ensure your content reaches the right audience.

Moreover, in social media marketing, hashtags serve as potent tools to increase the reach of your content. Here are 15 relevant hashtags to accompany your franchise’s video content, placed side by side for your convenience:

In conclusion, with its dynamic nature, video content is a pivotal tool in the arsenal of growing franchise brands. In a world where attention spans are dwindling, and the digital space is cluttered with information, the video cuts through the noise. For franchise brands, it ensures consistency, enhances visibility, fosters engagement, and drives growth. If you haven’t incorporated video into your franchise’s strategy, the time is now. The future of franchise growth, undoubtedly, lies in the power of video.

Click Here to use video to sell more franchises


This article was researched, developed and edited with the support of AI


Photo by RF._.studio

Generation Z, born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s, has emerged as a generation driven by entrepreneurial ambitions. Unlike their predecessors, Generation Z possesses unique characteristics, experiences, and attitudes that have shaped their desire to become entrepreneurs. This article delves into the factors contributing to Generation Z’s entrepreneurial aspirations and explores how society can nurture and support their potential. By examining their digital nativism, exposure to technology, changing work landscape, and desire for autonomy and purpose, we gain insights into the motivations driving Generation Z’s entrepreneurial spirit. Furthermore, this article highlights the importance of educational initiatives, mentorship, and inclusive opportunities for fostering Generation Z’s entrepreneurial growth.

Generation Z and Their Entrepreneurial Aspirations: Nurturing the Next Wave of Innovators
By Gary Occhiogrosso – Founder and Managing Partner – Franchise Growth Solutions

Generation Z, the youngest cohort in the workforce, is demonstrating a strong inclination toward entrepreneurship. Unlike previous generations, their mindset is shaped by an ever-evolving digital landscape, exposure to advanced technologies, and a desire for autonomy and purpose in their careers. This article explores the factors contributing to Generation Z’s entrepreneurial aspirations and discusses how society can support and nurture their potential. By understanding their unique characteristics and motivations, we can create an environment that fosters their entrepreneurial growth and enables them to impact the global economy positively.

Digital Nativism and Technology: Generation Z is often called “digital natives” due to their lifelong exposure to technology. Growing up with smartphones, social media, and instant access to information, they possess remarkable digital fluency. This inherent familiarity with technology provides them with the tools and resources to navigate the digital landscape, build online businesses, and leverage social media platforms for entrepreneurial endeavors. The ease with which they can create and market products and services online has fueled their aspirations to become entrepreneurs.

Changing Work Landscape: Generation Z is entering the workforce during a time of rapid change, where traditional career paths are no longer the only option. The rise of the gig economy, remote work, and the increasing demand for flexible work arrangements have opened up new avenues for entrepreneurial pursuits. This generation values freedom, flexibility, and the ability to work on their terms. Entrepreneurship allows them to create their ideal work-life balance, paving the way for their desire to be their own boss and control their professional destiny.

Autonomy and Purpose: Generation Z seeks more than financial success; they are driven by a deep desire for autonomy and purpose in their careers. They value work that aligns with their passions and allows them to make a meaningful impact on society. Entrepreneurship provides an avenue for them to pursue their interests, develop innovative solutions, and address societal challenges. By starting their own businesses, Generation Z can shape their work environment, prioritize their values, and contribute to causes they care about, fueling their entrepreneurial aspirations further.
Education and Mentorship:
To nurture Generation Z’s entrepreneurial spirit, it is crucial to provide them with relevant education and mentorship opportunities. Traditional education systems must adapt to the changing landscape and incorporate entrepreneurship programs that equip young individuals with the necessary skills, knowledge, and mindset to embark on entrepreneurial journeys. Mentorship programs and initiatives connecting experienced entrepreneurs with Generation Z can offer guidance, support, and valuable insights into the world of entrepreneurship, helping them overcome challenges and develop their ventures.

Inclusive Opportunities:
Creating an inclusive environment for Generation Z is vital for their entrepreneurial aspirations. Many young entrepreneurs need help with barriers such as limited access to capital, lack of networks, and biases. By providing equal opportunities, eliminating systemic barriers, and promoting diversity and inclusivity, society can ensure that socioeconomic factors, gender, or race do not hinder entrepreneurial ambitions. Inclusive programs, incubators, and support networks are crucial in leveling the playing field, fostering a diverse entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Generation Z’s desire to be entrepreneurs is driven by a unique combination of factors, including their digital nativism, exposure to technology, changing work landscape, autonomy, and purpose-driven mindset. Understanding and nurturing their entrepreneurial aspirations can contribute to the growth of a dynamic and innovative economy. By providing relevant education, mentorship, and inclusive opportunities, we can empower Generation Z to harness their creativity, overcome challenges, and make a lasting impact as the next wave of entrepreneurs.


Photo by Samuel Figueroa

Success in franchising hinges on delivering a unified and harmonious brand experience across all outlets. For example, if you were to walk into a McDonald’s in any part of the world, you would expect the same ambiance, service, and product quality. This uniform experience is a testament to brand consistency.

The Essential Role of Brand Consistency in Successful Franchising
By Johnny Dey

Franchising has been a critical engine of growth for numerous successful businesses, providing opportunities for market expansion while mitigating the associated risks. It presents a lucrative platform for businesses to amplify their brand’s success, extend their market reach, and maximize profit margins. At the core of this successful strategy lies brand consistency.

Brand consistency is more than just a trending buzzword; it is a fundamental strategy for ensuring a franchise’s growth and longevity. Why so? Because consistency cultivates familiarity, and familiarity breeds trust, which is the cornerstone of customer loyalty.

The essence of franchising is a replication model. The underlying principle is to replicate the parent company’s successful business model across multiple locations, ensuring a consistent customer experience. This is where brand consistency comes to the forefront.

Success in franchising hinges on delivering a unified and harmonious brand experience across all outlets. For example, if you were to walk into a McDonald’s in any part of the world, you would expect the same ambiance, service, and product quality. This uniform experience is a testament to brand consistency.

restaurant, franchise , coffee
Photo by Erik Mclean

Brand consistency not only refers to visual elements such as logos, colors, and store design but also includes communication style, customer service, and the overall quality of goods or services offered. Thus, the importance of brand consistency in franchising is paramount.

Brand identity plays a significant role in making a brand recognizable and memorable. Consistency in brand identity across all franchises enhances brand recall, leading to increased customer loyalty and repeat business.

Customer loyalty is a pivotal element for any business, but for franchises, it holds supreme importance. When customers experience consistency across different locations, their trust in the brand deepens, resulting in enhanced loyalty.

Investment in brand training is a key aspect of maintaining brand consistency. Training programs should strive to instill employees with the brand’s values and mission, ensuring they can deliver the consistent service that is expected. Therefore, the implementation of regular and comprehensive training programs is crucial for the success of a franchise.

Another domain where brand consistency plays an integral role is in digital marketing. With the surge of customers turning to online platforms for their needs, franchises need to ensure that their online presence is reflective of their in-store experience. Consistent messaging and tone across all digital channels, including the website, social media, and email marketing, can significantly enhance the brand’s reputation and visibility.

Lastly, brand consistency contributes to the franchise’s value proposition. It offers a sense of reliability to both the franchisee and the customer. A well-established, consistent brand identity can often simplify the marketing efforts of franchisees, as they can leverage the pre-existing brand recognition and customer loyalty.

In conclusion, brand consistency is a vital ingredient for successful and sustainable franchising. It is instrumental in building trust with customers, fostering brand loyalty, and ensuring the overall success of the franchise. Therefore, businesses venturing into franchising should prioritize maintaining brand consistency across all their outlets.


So how can you be sure your sales leads are the best they can be? The answer is simple: follow some simple guidelines to ensure that every sales lead you generate will be of the highest quality. It would be best if you hired experienced and reliable third-party companies — that specialize in developing quality sales leads.

Lead Generation in Franchise and B2B Sales
By Gary Occhiogrosso – Recognized Franchise Expert and Managing Partner at Franchise Growth Solutions.


Lead generation is an essential part of any business’s marketing efforts. If you are marketing a franchise or business opportunity, lead generation is probably a top priority. So how can you be sure your sales leads are the best they can be? There are many factors to consider when choosing where to advertise your franchise opportunity. You want to generate enough leads so that your sales reps have enough prospects to call on each day. The key is having enough quality prospects to follow up with once they’ve been contacted by the sales rep for an appointment or demonstration.

If you’re marketing a franchise or business opportunity, lead generation is probably a top priority. So how can you be sure your sales leads are the best they can be? The answer is simple: follow some simple guidelines to ensure that every sales lead you generate will be of the highest quality. It would be best if you hired experienced and reliable third-party companies that specialize in developing quality sales leads. These agencies generate high-quality B2B sales leads distributed to companies seeking buyers of franchises and business opportunities, as well as other B2B offers. They often maintain close relationships with key decision-makers at Fortune 500 companies, smaller businesses, and entrepreneurs looking for expansion.

First, evaluate where your leads are coming from and if they are producing results.
Evaluate where your leads are coming from. Are they from a reputable source? Are they producing results?
If you’re using a lead generation platform or software, look at the data and make sure it’s accurate. Are they the right type of leads? The right quantity? The right quality?

Common Lead Gen Sources
The top four ways to generate your sales leads most effectively are via online, print, broadcast and trade publications. Each of these channels has its own strengths and weaknesses, as well as advantages and disadvantages that can help or hinder your business.

The first step in deciding which channel is right for you is determining how much budget you have available to invest in lead generation activities. This can be done by identifying the total number of leads needed each month, then multiplying this number by an average cost per lead (CPL). For example: if you need 100 leads per month and a CPL of $100 per lead, then it will cost $10,000 each month just to generate those prospects! The next step is figuring out what kind of ROI each channel provides on investment (ROI). For example: if one type of channel gives a 10% return on investment but another gives an 80% return on investment – which would you choose?

Finally comes the question about which specific platforms within those channels are best suited for generating potential customers who have the highest probability of converting into clients?

Do your homework. Research the media channels thoroughly before investing in any lead generation campaign.

* Understand the audience you are targeting.

* Understand the purpose of advertising and how it will help your business’ bottom line.

* Understand how much you will pay for a campaign, and whether or not you can find a better deal elsewhere.

Once you have done this research, you should be able to make an informed decision about whether or not advertising is worth your time.

Monitor Results

You’ll need to determine who is responsible for monitoring the ad’s results, what kind of reporting will be provided and how often you should expect it.

For example, if your sales team is responsible for monitoring an advertisement campaign, make sure they understand that they are responsible for tracking responses and providing feedback on which ads have worked best (or worst). If you’ve entered into an agreement with a third-party provider that handles all advertising, request regular reports from them so that you can track how well your various campaigns are performing.

Lead Providers – Questions and Due Diligence

* Ask about other clients who have purchased advertising through the company. Be sure to ask for references.

* Ask about other clients who have purchased advertising through the company.

* Be sure to ask for references and testimonials, as well.

* Ask for case studies of work done with clients like yours in the past, as well as feedback from those same clients on their experiences with your prospective supplier or agency partner’s services/products/programs/etc.. (Note: case studies should be written by actual customers; testimonials may be written by either customers or employees).

* Request a list of all current clients so you can check them out on social media (Facebook, LinkedIn) and see what they are saying about the organization(s) they work with most often—and perhaps even reach out directly via social media channels such as Twitter or Instagram if you feel comfortable doing so!

The Heart of the Matter

Sales leads are at the heart of any lead generation campaign so it’s important to choose them carefully. Sales leads are people who have expressed interest in your products or services but haven’t yet made a purchase. They may be considering a purchase now, or they might wait until a later date. Sales leads can come from many places: online ads and search engine optimization (SEO) efforts are two key sources, but you’ll also find them by visiting trade shows and conferences that target your ideal customer base. Lead generation experts recommend using multiple methods in tandem when developing an effective sales strategy because each one has its own strengths and weaknesses—and no one method works best for every industry!

We’ve covered much ground in this post. Follow these tips, create a plan and execute. Lead Gen is a critical component of your successful sales program. For more information on accelerating your franchise sales contact Franchise Growth Solutions, and let’s start the conversation.

Modern Tech Can Give Restaurants An Edge

It is much more likely that franchisors, with resources already on hand, will be able to promote system-wide improvements for all franchisees in their systems.

Modern Tech Can Give Restaurant Businesses An Edge
By Jeremy Einbinder

Restaurants are continuing to use newer technologies that have the potential to optimize the experience both for the consumer and the business. Anything that improve customer experience and reduce labor costs- which is very important in a tight market- is a win-win.

Franchised Restaurants Set Themselves Apart

All of these innovations are especially important for franchised restaurants and allows them to set themselves apart from other restaurants. For entrepreneurs looking to open restaurant locations, it can be difficult to gather all the technological resources available to improve operations. It is much more likely that franchisors, with resources already on hand, will be able to promote system-wide improvements for all franchisees in their systems. These technological enhancements are wide-ranging and could set off a franchise restaurant boom.

For instance, instead of third-party delivery apps, many customers report a preference for ordering directly from the restaurant itself. It would be beneficial, if possible, for a company to have their own internal delivery app. In addition to building brand recognition, this also helps businesses avoid paying exorbitant fees.

Fred Kirvan, Founder and CEO of Kirvan Consulting, a New Jersey based restaurant optimization and consulting firm said: “At this year’s National Restaurant Show, we observed some notable improvements in tech-driven kitchen equipment aimed at providing a more consistent product to its end-user but much of the new tech seemed to be aimed at employee retention.”

Look But Don’t Touch

Payment technologies which allow for no-contact money transfer can also prove to be crucial, especially since the pandemic. In keeping with no-touch technology, it is becoming commonplace for customers to also access only menus and order without contact, allowing for a much safer environment for everybody. The cost reduction for restaurants can be substantial.

There are also tech payment options for employee payroll. Kirvan noted: “Companies offering early pay options and incentives were the noticeable standouts for me. Employee retention is key when you can consider all the software available for taking orders, you’re going to need people to prepare those orders.

Reservation applications like Eat App, Tablein, or OpenTable allow customers to see available time slots, and book their times at their convenience. In such apps, users simply view the time slots available with the number of seats needed and select one. This takes away any awkward interaction with staff of someone calling the restaurant and asking for a specific time for a reservation, only to realize it’s not available. For the business, it allows much greater flexibility in managing waitlists as well as customer loyalty.

Reducing Friction for the Front and Back of House

For streamlining customer orders, Kitchen Display Systems are very efficient, allowing both customers and kitchen staff to seamlessly log orders, instantly displaying them on screen according to priority. This also makes accommodating dietary restrictions much easier.

Radwan Masri, a 30 year veteran in the hospitality industry and a leading international culinary consultant and franchise expert with Ayy Karamba Hospitality added “The other side of food service tech driven business is FOH & BOH automation. Labor shortage in the service business combined with an increase demand for delivered food has impacted how food orders is being processed from start to end. Self-Serve ordering stations, QR codes scanning procedures. Your order nowadays through a drive through window is not the same as it used to be. i.e. I order in Chicago via a drive through window while my order is being processed by a mom sitting at home in Atlanta GA!”

This type of innovation is incredibly valuable and can easily cut down on unnecessary laborious tasks for employees. In addition, artificial intelligence technologies like Winnow reduce food waste. Using a camera, Winnow “learns” to recognize different foods being thrown away. It then calculates the financial and environmental cost of this discarded food to commercial kitchens. This in turn saves company’s money.

In Conclusion

If franchisees and independent restauranteurs expect to stay relevant and competitive they need to take advantage of these burgeoning technologies. The guest expectation has risen as a result of the pandemic and most guests will give a restaurant one, perhaps two chances to meet or exceed their exceptions. When it comes to the the overall guest experience, using these technologies gives operators a better chance to succeed.

Franchisor Focus: The One Responsibility of Franchising Too Many Franchisors Overlook

The relationship between a franchisor and their franchisees touches every aspect of a franchise operation ranging from developing the franchise system to franchisees participating in aggressive price promotions. A positive relationship can enable success while poor franchise relations can thwart it.

Franchisor Focus: The One Responsibility of Franchising Too Many Franchisors Overlook
Courtesy of Ed Teixeira

As I consider subject matter for my franchise blogs it’s sometimes challenging to come up with a stimulating topic. Because I direct content mainly to franchisors, it’s important to provide helpful and constructive information. Whether as a franchisee, franchisor executive or providing operational advice to franchisors I’ve always advocated that a franchisor should have a strong franchise relations strategy. Certain franchisors are familiar with the clichés often attributed to fostering a climate of positive franchise relations, including having profitable franchisees, responding promptly to their emails, telephone calls and requests for assistance. Unfortunately, some franchisors don’t give franchise relations the attention it deserves.

In 1992 I was fortunate to contribute to the first IFA Franchise Relations booklet, so I decided to review articles written by franchisor executives. Although the booklet was published 29 years ago, in terms of franchise relationship management very little has changed. The same principles and policies that were advocated then remain the same. No other component of the franchise business model has remained constant.

The relationship between a franchisor and their franchisees touches every aspect of a franchise operation ranging from developing the franchise system to franchisees participating in aggressive price promotions. A positive relationship can enable success while poor franchise relations can thwart it. Unfortunately, some franchisors ignore how important franchise relations is or fail to have a franchise relationship strategy.

Here are four questions that franchisors need answered to appraise the state of their franchise relations.

Are the franchisees profitable?
Whether using Key Performance Indicators (“KPIs”) or franchisee financial statements to measure franchisee financial and operational performance, this is an important responsibility of every franchisor. Rather than obtaining an answer to this question many franchisors focus on identifying the franchisees that aren’t profitable. The problem with this approach is that the franchisor lacks key financial and operational data that pertain to their entire system and individual franchisees.

Are franchisee customers satisfied with the products or services?
Franchisors should have a method for obtaining franchise feedback regarding the level of customer satisfaction. Whether using customer satisfaction surveys, franchisee focus groups or surveying franchisees its important information that should be gathered. This data benefits the franchisor and its franchisees.

What are our franchisee competitors doing?
Franchisors that display an interest in the behavior of their franchisee competitors will receive high marks from their franchisees. Many franchisors rely upon their franchisees for competitive information, however when the franchisor plays an active role in this process it benefits the franchise system and enhances franchise relations.

Is the franchisor doing the best it can?
Whether using a third-party firm to survey franchisees or doing their own survey, a franchisor must have a method for measuring their franchisee satisfaction levels. When the results are tabulated, the franchisor will know which areas if any can negatively impact franchise relations and may require attention.

Despite the countless changes that have occurred in the franchise industry over the years, one constant is the importance of franchise relationship management. Franchisors should be focused on evaluating and managing their relationship with their franchisees.

About the Author: Ed Teixeira
Ed Teixeira is a recognized franchise expert with over 35 years experience in the franchise industry. He has served as a corporate executive for franchise firms in the retail, manufacturing, healthcare and technology industries and was a franchisee of a multi-million dollar home healthcare franchise. Ed is the author of Franchising From the Inside Out and The Franchise Buyers Manual. He has participated in the CEO Magazine Roundtable Meetings with business leaders from around the country and spoke at a number of venues including the International Franchise Expo and the Chinese Franchise Association in Shanghai, China. Over the course of his career, Ed has been involved with over 1,000 franchise locations and launched franchise concepts from existing business models. Ed can be contacted at 631-246-5782 or [email protected].


Some of the causes of the great employment disruption of 2021 are beyond the influence of employers. However, there are a number of initiatives that can be implemented by employers to retain employees and attract those who are looking for a change in what they do. So, how do you retain and attract employees? 

by Stan Silverman
Article originally published in the Philadelphia Business Journal on November 15, 2021.

Due to the effects of the pandemic, 2021 will be known as a year of immense employment disruption. This is especially acute in the restaurant, hospitality and other service industries, where employees now have higher-paying employment alternatives. 
The cause of the Great Resignation is not limited to dissatisfaction with pay. Many employees who are nearing retirement have decided to leave the workforce earlier than they had planned. Other employees have reevaluated their lives and decided what they were doing was not for them. 

Some employees are burned out dealing with hostile customers and working to meet pent-up demand. Others have left the workforce because they cannot afford childcare. There are those who point to governmental assistance as the reason people are not working, but that assistance ended in September.

Some of the causes of the great employment disruption of 2021 are beyond the influence of employers. However, there are a number of initiatives that can be implemented by employers to retain employees and attract those who are looking for a change in what they do. So, how do you retain and attract employees? 

Employees come before customers

In my columns for the Philadelphia Business Journal, I have emphasized the importance of delivering a great customer/client experience as a way to become the preferred provider in the marketplace. It’s your employees who deliver a great customer/client experience. 

Quoting Sir Richard Branson, co-founder of Virgin Group, “Clients do not come first. Employees come first. If you take care of your employees, they will take care of the clients.” Treat your employees well. They will help you become a preferred employer.
Nurture a culture in which your employees develop a sense of ownership in what they do. Listen to their ideas. Value their contributions. Never micromanage. Set expectations, empower them and cut them loose to do their thing. 

Compensate employees so your company is an attractive employment alternative

For years, many have advocated raising the federal minimum wage to $15/hour, with little success. Today, many businesses need to pay $20/hour or more to attract employees. Why? Employees have alternative employment opportunities not only within the same industry, but also within other industries that are rapidly growing. For example, an employee working at a restaurant can quit and go to work for Amazon instead. Pay employees competitively with their alternatives to keep them and attract others.
Will increasing the compensation of employees require companies to raise prices? Yes. The economy will adjust as it did after the dramatic increase in oil prices during the 1970s. 

Differentiate your company and its culture 

Just as you differentiate your company so customers/clients want to buy from you instead of your competition, differentiate your company so employees want to work for you rather than their alternatives. 
Treat all employees as important to your success. Show your appreciation for what they do. Where practical, depending on the job, institute a hybrid model, giving them flexibility to work remotely or at the office. There are companies that have been operating 100% virtually with great effectiveness for many years without adversely impacting employee collaboration. Saved commuting time is spent working on business issues, as well as taking care of personal matters, which reduces employee stress and increases morale.

Differentiate your company from others. Treat your employees as you would like to be treated. Make it part of your brand. Your reputation will attract the employees you need to run your business. 

About the Author
Stan Silverman is founder and CEO of Silverman Leadership and author of “Be Different! The Key to Business and Career Success.” He is also a speaker, advisor and widely read nationally syndicated columnist on leadership, entrepreneurship and corporate governance. He can be reached at [email protected].

Lead Generation, Franchise Sales and Reality

This approach is terrible not only because you have empty spots in your pipeline but also because an ebb and flow in the advertising plan sometimes may cause the “brand” to disappear for awhile and send the franchise buyers a less than confidence inspired massage. For a start-up or emerging brand, this is the equivalent of a jet airliner “pumping the brakes” to save fuel while attempting to “take off.” It usually leaves a mess at the end of the runway.

Lead Generation, Franchise Sales and Reality
By Gary Occhiogrosso – Managing PartnerFranchise Growth Solutions, LLC.
Photo by Kees Streefkerk on Unsplash

The best way to get results in franchise lead generation is to remember that NOTHING works a lot, but everything works a little. What does that mean? It means for a start-up or an emerging brand (under 50 units), you need to try various lead sources to test which “streams” bring in the type of leads at the rate necessary to make your sales plan.

Look at all the factors in the game
Cost Per Lead and Cost Per Acquisition are only two KPI’s to look at when monitoring your program and its results. It is not as straightforward or revealing to limit your decision based on “how much did I spend and how many units did I sell.” The Reality is; it takes numerous elements to gain success. Such as time to build your pipeline (5-8 months), consistent follow up by a competent, highly trained, and relentless sales staff. As well as accepting the reality of the selling cycle
(about 120 to 180 days) and a realistic lead generation budget to pursue a professional and sustainable franchising recruiting effort. Your brand will NOT “sell itself.”

The Reality is that consistency in lead flow is also essential. I have seen many start-ups and emerging brands take a hiccup approach to franchise lead generation. This approach is terrible not only because you have empty spots in your pipeline but also because an ebb and flow in the advertising plan sometimes may cause the “brand” to disappear for a while and send the franchise buyers a less than confidence inspired massage. For a start-up or emerging brand, this is the equivalent of a jet airliner “pumping the brakes” to save fuel while attempting to “take off.” It usually leaves a mess at the end of the runway.

Royalties will make you the King or Queen
For me, the most important thing for a start-up or emerging brand to remember is the “value” of your franchisee over the lifetime of the franchise agreement. The Reality is; if you calculate the royalty return over that period, you will see the real reward of consistent lead generation and awarding a franchise. Calculate your Royalties on your AUV’s by the number of years you expect your franchisee to be in business, and it’s obvious. Do the math. Keep that in mind, and you won’t think the “Cost Per Acquisition” is too high unless you are attempting to “fund” your new franchise company from the upfront franchise fee collected. Funding your growth solely with the Initial Franchise Fees is never a good idea.

You should be in the franchising business for the royalties and the eventual exit, not the franchise fee. News Flash, focusing on the collection of Franchise Fees doesn’t work and often puts not only the franchisor in jeopardy of failure but also the franchisee. When you focus on the franchisee’s success, you will build a better organization, better equipped to support your franchisee. Successful franchisees paying long term, residual income from ROYALTIES is the way to BUILD YOUR BUSINESS.

A bigger “kiss” at the end
The Reality is; the sale of franchise companies (especially to Private Equity firms) have proven time and time again, that multiples paid on Royalty driven EBITDA at exit are more significant than the multiple typically offered on EBITDA derived from company operations. That’s because it’s scalable at a faster pace and with a lower cost.

Building a franchise business as a Franchisor requires a great concept, a comprehensive system, manuals and training, proven results, capital, planning and patience. If you remove any one of these components the journey may be an endless winding road with no clear direction.Talk to us to get started.

For more information, visit our YouTube channel and watch the videos titled:
“Using Digital to Sell More Franchises.”
“Private Equity and Franchising.”

Contact us at [email protected]
Explore our entire website: www.franchisegrowthsolutions.com

Leads – A Never Ending Challenge For All Companies

Photo by Berkeley Communications on Unsplash

He explained that through his experience and the help of a little sonar gadget on his boat, that he knew there was a shoal of fish below. We all slung our rods over the side and dropped our lines.

Fishing for Leads – The 5 Steps
By: Peter Lawless

The first thing that I noticed when I got onto the small boat at the harbour in Enniscrone, Co. Sligo, was the cleanliness and order of the boat. The skipper in charge had all of the rods, upright, with their lines neatly tucked away, in holders. The holders were made out of piping, about 30cm long, which had been welded to the side of the boat.

A simple, inexpensive aid had made me sit up and pay attention. This skipper thought about his customers, and this device left a strong impression. We then got a very short lecture on safety, checked we had our life jackets on, and off we went. About 12 of us!

balloon kings franchise opportunity
A Balloon Kings Franchise may be exactly what you need in 2020, click here to find out!

Finding your target market
About 12 minutes later, the skipper stopped the boat, and told us we should find some mackerel here. He explained that the lures on the hooks looked just like what mackerel wanted to eat. It certainly was not something I would have fancied!

He explained that through his experience and the help of a little sonar gadget on his boat, that he knew there was a shoal of fish below. We all slung our rods over the side and dropped our lines.

Reeling in the sale
Now I don’t know about you, but this was totally new to me. I wound up the line frantically, as soon as I felt a tug, and hey presto, there were three fish dangling off the hooks. I started flailing about, one jumped off before I even got it in over the side, and when I was trying to reel it in the final bit I lost another one. The one that I got in, I lost down the gutter when I finally got it off the hook.

The skipper explained to me, that once a fish took the bait, I should give a quick tug on the rod, to make sure it was firmly hooked. I should then take my time, to reel it in. Secure the rod in the holder, with the fish hanging over the bucket and deal with them one by one – I did, and I ended up with 20 fish, which delighted me, as I had set a target of 10, since my friend had caught 9 on his first time

So what are the lessons for marketing – if you are still with me, and have not already got most of them, here they are in business speak;
1. Set goals and targets that are realistic, and based on some valid foundation or research.
2. Have simple procedures set up, to make it easy to operate and for your customers to conduct business with you.
3. Speak in your prospects language, about what they want – it’s a bit like the fish bait, unlikely that strawberries and cream will catch many mackerel!
4. Once you know what your prospects like, find out where they are, do some research and target them accordingly – as in our example, not much point in putting down shark bait in a shoal of mackerel.
5. Once you get your customers attention or have a lead, qualify it, and ensure you follow up at all time to close the sale. Again the use of a good sales process is essential here.

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Lee’s Hoagie House – 64 Years of Success. Click here for franchise info

The bottom line, if you know what problems or desires your customers have, and you can solve or fulfill these, while providing value for money, you will always be a winner.

And if you don’t know the answer to that question, go ask the people who have already bought from you – they do!

Author Bio
Business Owners who need more sales and better marketing advice, turn to Peter Lawless, of 3R Sales & Marketing. For previous articles and interviews like this, visit our website and subscribe to Success. We also provide free Sales & Marketing Assessments for Business Owners with an Irish Connection.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleGeek.com – Free Website Content

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After 16 Years, Family Owned Gofer Ice Cream Launches Franchise Program

Gofer Ice Cream Franchised Shop, Darien Connecticut

From traditional hard and soft ice cream to fat-free treats, and more recently expanding into plant-based ice cream products with the same promise of high quality for which the brand is known.

Beloved Connecticut based Ice Cream Company plans to expand in the Northeast

Stamford, Connecticut. Gofer Franchise Systems LLC. Today Gofer Ice Cream announced it has launched a program to offer Gofer Ice Cream Franchises throughout Connecticut immediately. The company is set to expand beyond the State in 2020.

Jay Ragusa, Gofer Ice Cream’s Founder, said: “We’ve been preparing for this day since we launched the brand in 2003. It has always been the plan to prove and perfect the concept and then replicate it through the franchise model. We’ve learned a lot over the years, and we feel we’re in a great position to help others own, operate, and prosper in their own business. Prospective franchisee partners can be confident in the Gofer Ice Cream Brand and system that we offer. The fact is that many concepts have come and gone, but we are here thriving and growing.”

Ice Cream, Franchise, Profit
Gofer Ice Cream Franchised Shop, Darien Connecticut

The successful “Gofer” brand has been serving the Fairfield County Connecticut area for over seventeen seasons, through its current five locations, and it has become a local favorite for many. The concept of Gofer Ice Cream, which was founded by Jay Ragusa and his family, is to be the “home team” of ice cream places. In every town or city, the goal is for Gofer Ice Cream to become the center of the community, where family and friends can enjoy a high-quality frozen treat in a welcoming environment. The shops are simple, easy, and fun to operate. Also, Gofer Ice Cream Shops are built for a relatively low cost. Franchise Partners are already scooping smiles daily, and the goal is to bring this experience to more and more communities. Gofer Ice Cream offers a variety of frozen treats for the entire family. From traditional hard and soft ice cream to fat-free treats, and more recently expanding into plant-based ice cream products with the same promise of high quality for which the brand is known. In 2019 a new company, “Gofer Franchise Systems LLC,” was formed to focus on expanding via franchising the concept beyond Fairfield County.

It’s always a good day to…GOFER Ice Cream

For the past several months, in preparation for the franchise opportunity launch, the team has been working with Franchise Industry Veteran Gary Occhiogrosso of Franchise Growth Solutions. “Gary brings his experience in not only the Franchise Industry but specifically in the frozen dessert business. He has the deep knowledge and connections specifically needed at this point in our growth. With the addition of Franchise Growth Solutions to the team, we are working with the best in the business to make sure we do franchising right. An investment made by a Franchisee is, in many cases, a once and a lifetime decision, and we don’t take that responsibility lightly.” commented Jay Ragusa.

Mr. Occhiogrosso has 30+ years of experience in franchise development and sales and was integral to the success of nationally recognized brands, including Ranch*1, Desert Moon Fresh Mexican Grille, and brands found under the multi-brand franchisor, TRUFOODS, LLC.

Occhiogrosso stated: “It’s a compelling franchise opportunity, the frozen dessert business continues to grow. People love ice cream. But more than merely the best cream, Gofer creates memories by delivering a family and community experience. With frozen treats to meet virtually every customer trend, whether Plant-Based, or Fat-Free or Soft Serve or our Premium Ice Cream, Gofer Ice Cream gives our Franchise Partners a unique competitive advantage in the Ice Cream business.”

Gofer Ice Cream provides premium hand-dipped and soft-serve ice cream, plant-based ice cream, fat-free Gofer Lite, Italian ice, smoothies, and Razzles, as well as ice cream products and novelties through five retail locations in Southern Fairfield County, Conn. Gofer opened its first store in Greenwich in 2003 and has since grown with both company and franchisee-owned shops also now open in Cos Cob, Stamford, Wilton, and Darien. The company is a multi-year award winner of “The Best of the Gold Coast,” a people’s choice award conducted through Moffly Media. Gofer Franchise Systems LLC awards franchises to operate under the Gofer Ice Cream brand.


Franchise GrowthSolutions, LLC is a strategic planning, franchise development and sales organization offering franchise sales, brand concept and development, strategic planning, real estate and architectural development, vendor management, lead generation, and advertising, marketing, and PR including social media. Franchise Growth Solutions’ proven “Coach, Mentor & Grow®” system puts both franchisors and potential franchisees on the fast track to growth. Membership in Franchise Growth Solutions’ client portfolio is by recommendation only.

For more information, please contact Gary Occhiogrosso at 917.991.2465 or via email at [email protected].

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